The fourth installment of the Bourne series was released on August 10 but is still leading the box offices as of now. The Bourne Legacy, does not have any returning stars from the previous but introduces to Aaron Cross, played by Jeremy Renner (The Town, The Hurt Locker, The Avengers). Edward Norton (Fight Club, American History X, The Illusionist) also has a large role in the movie as he plays a Eric Byer, a retired Colonel from the US Air Force who is investigating the military programs that are responsible for Bourne and Cross.
Legacy, takes place simultaneously with The Bourne Ultamatium and mention Jason Bourne and that story line which helps connect the dots to Aaron Cross. Bourne and Cross are from the governmental program and are the first of their kind. Cross is supposed to have been killed off in the early moments of the movie but escapes unharmed. He then goes to save a women who was involved in a shooting at her work place which leads to an international chase. The movie ends Cross and his love interest Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel Weisz from the Mummy, The Great and Powerful Oz-2013) sailing off to the unknown.
This movie action packed from the beginning and has great chase scenes, while digging deeper in the background of Cross, Bourne, and the government programs behind the two men. The movie is rated PG-13 for its violence, there was no bad language and only one scene with kissing. The Bourne Legacy would make for a great movie to catch for anyone over the age of 13.
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